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Medical Record
My Appointments
All Services
Mobile Healthcare
Request to Appeal Against the Decision of Medical Liability Committee
Submit Complaints and Feedback
Submit Suggestions
Submit Inquiries
Request for Provision of Blood Units and Components
Specialized Dental Services
Mental Health Services
Outpatient Specialized Clinics Services
General Dentistry
Non-communicable Disease Clinic
Periodic Health Screening
Pre-University Fitness Screening
Request for Medical Report
Other Services
Add Family Member
Dispense Medications
My Notifications
Mobile Healthcare
This service enables elderly people and people of determination who do not have access to health services to have the healthcare services in their homes. This service enhance their sense of safety and support in a family-like environment while maintaining their dignity and privacy. This service also reduces the burden on hospitals and the complications of chronic diseases.
Dispense Medications
Dispense medications
Add Family Member
Request for Medical Report
This service enables patients to request a medical report of their health condition or disease for the purpose of submission to third parties
Pre-University Fitness Screening
The pre-university fitness screening is a service provided to students that are attending universities in the UAE and scholarships outside, and it enables university students to request fitness medical certificate by undergoing medical examination that includes risk assessment, and other lab tests.
Periodic Health Screening
This service provides customers with a comprehensive periodic screening for non-communicable and chronic diseases such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, lung diseases, osteoporosis, and depression. It also includes giving vaccinations and detecting problems related to smoking, nutrition, and lifestyle.
Non-communicable Disease Clinic
This service provides customers with access to services in non-communicable disease clinics, including integrated examinations for the prevention, early detection and treatment of non-communicable diseases (such as diabetes, hypertension or high cholesterol), conducted periodically and accurately through the best scientific methods.
General Dentistry
<h5>Provide treatment for the following cases:</h5>
<ul class="list-disc px-7 mt-6 text-lg leading-8">
<li> Dental emergency cases</li>
<li> Teeth fillings</li>
<li> Simple extraction cases</li>
<li> Simple root canal treatment</li>
<li>Refer patients to the specialized dental services when needed</li>
Outpatient Specialized Clinics Services
This service provides patients of all age groups to obtain specialized health services within the outpatient clinics in hospitals. It includes Internal Medicine, Surgery, Pediatric, Obstetrics and Gynecology, and other specilized clinics.
Mental Health Services
This service provides psychiatric care for patients of all ages in outpatient clinics in hospitals.
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